Three words which never go out of style, when said by the right person will make you weak in the knees, simultaneously allowing you to walk on air.. These same words, unreciprocated, can break your heart.
And yet, we never stop believing in LOVE. Love fearlessly and consistently--and don't just use these words romantically. Now, more than ever, we need to put love and healing out into the world.
“Don’t forget to say ‘I Love You’ every time you go. You never really know how much is left. If I forgot to say ‘I Love You’, how I would regret that you never knew how much I did.”— Reeve Carney
INTRODUCING Sterling Silver I LOVE YOU Earrings in beautiful RED and WHITE hand-enamel!
Offer LOVE into the world! On days you’re feeling insecure, turn it around to face you. Approximately 1 inch in diameter. Custom handmade, hand signed, hand-enameled, in America. Available in Pierced Posts or Sterling Silver Clips.